The "Days of..." Series - Book 1

The Seven Days of Christmas

Time Period:

When Caroline Atherton’s brother brought his college roommate home for Thanksgiving fourteen years ago, he quickly became one of the family. The three became a tight-knit family unit, sharing their successes, failures, grief, and faith. Leaving his wild days behind him, Rick spent years pursuing his walk with the Lord in both wisdom and guidance, becoming a man content with his personal and professional achievements. When Caroline discovers her feelings change, she works hard to ignore them; unwilling to jeopardize the family dynamic. In the sparkle of snow and twinkling lights of Christmastime, Rick has the green light to pursue the love he tried hard to ignore. Yet despite the excitement and promise surrounding her, Caroline battles an inner struggle that threatens to sabotage their joy and their future. In the midst of the holiday season, can Rick and Caroline navigate this new path to reconcile her hidden resistance, or will tragedy steal their happiness before it begins?

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